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Vision Statement
American Samoa Economic Development Authority will strive to create opportunities for new infrastructure, industrial, commercial and residential development
Mission Statement
Promote Economic Development in the Territory through collaborative efforts with our private sector, business community, our people and government. Create government diversification of our economic pillars and places for the community to live, learn, play, work and do business.
American Samoa Economic Development Authority will strive to create opportunities for new infrastructure, industrial, commercial and residential development

(left to right) Director Chris King - Port Administration, Representative Samuel Ioka Ale Meleisea, Director Blanche "Lulu" Barber - ASEDA, Legal Counsel Jason Mitchell - Governor's Office, Director Petti Matila - Commerce Department, Mike McDonald - DOC Analyst, Director Faleosina Voigt - Public Works, Director Wallon Young - ASPA, Lieutenant Governor Talauega E. V. Ale, Director Archie Soliai - Marine Wildlife Resources, Senator Magalei Logovi'i, Director Fa'amao Asalele - Environmental Protection Agency, Attorney General Fainuulelei Falefatu Alailima Utu, Treasurer Malemo Lafoia Tausaga.
Guiding Principles & Objectives
o Improve the Quality of Life for our People and Territory
o Develop sound financial decisions and governance
o Work collaboratively with all entities for a positive financial outlook
o Be in a state of readiness to support economic development
o Dedicate resources to secure capital improvement projects that would strengthen infrastructure
o Improve services in the Territory