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2022 constitutional convention
129 Delegates gathered at the Opening of the 6th Constitutional Convention for American Samoa. Each district was represented by a mixture of elected officials, village council members, and members of the general community. In his opening address Governor Lemanu stated, "This very gathering lays the future of American Samoa. The 129 respective delegates will deliberate on issues that will move American Samoa forward,” stated Governor Lemanu in his welcoming remarks. He continued, “We are far from establishing a perfect government, however, with the foresight of these leaders, along with the prayers of our people, we are sure to be closer to our goal.” The Honorable Carmen Cantor, Assistant Secretary for Insular and International Affairs (USDOI) was also present and gave special remarks, stating that it was an honor to be present and to witness the American Samoa moving forward in the due process of self determination. The convention is scheduled to end on Friday, September 2nd, 2022 or extend to September 3rd if needed.

AUGUST 31, 2022 - Day 3: Constitutional Convention Passes five amendments
Day 3 of the 6th Constitutional Convention for American Samoa resulted in the passage of five of eight proposed amendments. 1) The ASG Amendment 2) The Veto Override Amendment 3) The Chief Justice Amendment 4) The Secretary of the Interior Amendment 5) The Impeachment Amendment. Day 4 will continue with the American Samoa Ancestry Amendment, the Constitutional Process Amendment, and the House Membership Amendment. Pictured below (from Left to Right): Honorable Ti'alemasunu Dr. Etuale Mikaele (Secretary), Honorable Tuaolo M.E. Fruean (Chairman), Honorable Faiivae Iuli A. Godinet (Vice Chairman).

Day 4 of the 6th Constitutional Convention for American Samoa resulted in the passage of three more amendments bringing the total count to eight proposed amendments. These included the American Samoa Ancestry Amendment, the Constitutional Process Amendment, and the House Membership Amendment, as well as modifications to Impeachment Amendment and the House Membership Amendment. Pictured above, Director Tapaau D. Aga (Center), Honorable Ti'alemasunu Dr. Etuale Mikaele (Right), and employees of the American Samoa Election Office count ballots as the Convention casted their votes during the due process.

SEPTEMBER 2 - Day 5: CONVENTION Concludes with 8 amendments to be sent for a national referendum.
Day 5 of the 6th Constitutional Convention for American Samoa It was unanimously passed that Swains Island representatives shall have privileges of a member of the House, including the right to vote. The Ancestry Amendment and the Constitutional Process Amendment has been tabled for further discussion with the Fono. To officially conclude the 6th Constitutional Convention, about 126 of 129 delegates signed the new document to be on the ballot come election on November 8, 2022. Pictured above: Signers of the Convention are assisted by The Office of Political Status , Constitutional Review, & Federal Relations staff and the Honorable Ti'alemasunu Dr. Etuale Mikaele (Purple Suit, Center).